equity theme


Each month, the Equity Department develops themes that focus the equity work for our district. The goal of the monthly theme is to provide resources and supports for teachers in order to bring awareness and appreciation to the diverse population of students in our district.

December's theme is Allyship. Please click this link to find resources for this month’s theme.

Bargaining updates


Sept. 9, 2024
On Sept. 9, 2024, the Arlington School Board approved a three-year contract between the Arlington Education Association and Arlington Public Schools.

Previous Updates


District news

Arlington School District’s fall community newsletter now available!
Arlington School District’s Fall 2024 “Our Schools” Community Newsletter isPic now available at this link.

As a cost savings measure, the district transitioned the Our Schools newsletter from a paper delivery to an electronic delivery over the summer. Existing families and staff will automatically receive the newsletter in their email inboxes.

If you are a community member and would like to sign up to receive the Our Schools community newsletter, please sign up at this link.

The Washington LEA Academic and Student Well-being Recovery Plan has been posted!

Check out the Washington LEA Academic and Student Well-being Recovery plan here.

Please use the "Contact the District" quick link to contact the webmaster with questions and feedback.