School nurse Tonya Kelly has mastered the art of kid-friendly medical care. She knows that medications and band aids are only part of the service she provides—that kids come to her as full people with friends, questions, families, and a desire for relationships with caring adults.
She definitely meets the relationship need. Third grader Weston spends quality time in Nurse Kelly’s office, and he both adores and respects her. “When I walk in we joke around. She is really nice.” He enjoys her humor and also her dedication. “She is one of the best nurses I have had that helps me with medical stuff. My mom said she spent time over break to research and learn about my condition, and now I really appreciate that.”
Avery, a second grader and Tonya’s very proud daughter, loves how the Nurse Tonya’s office makes her feel safe. “It’s just all the colorful things, and she has so much dinosaur stuff!” Stop by her office and see her amazing dinosaur collection: dinosaur picture frames that say “You are loved,” and “You are smart.” She has dinosaur toys (all of which Weston and his friends have named). She even has dinosaur curtains! According to Avery, Nurse Tonya also had dinosaurs all over at her wedding—especially important were the golden girl dinosaur and golden boy dinosaur.
But really, it comes down to Nurse Tonya’s relationships with kids. Weston put it so well when he said, “She knows the kids so well. She knows all the kids that come down so well. It’s… easier to be understood since she knows us. If I didn’t know her that well, I wouldn’t be as happy coming to see her.”
Since so many kids are happy going to see her, even if they are sick or hurt, it’s clear why she is simply amazing, and how blessed Presidents is to have her as their nurse.