Student Forms

   Registration & Enrollment
   New Student Registration - ENGLISH
   Click here for Online Student Enrollment 
   Indian Student Eligibility Form ED506 
For applicable families only. Please click on this link to complete form and mail or drop off at your child's school.

   New Student Registration - SPANISH
  Haga un clic para bajar todas las formas de inscripción en ESPAÑOL (zip file)

Formas de Registro Individual - ESPAÑOL- Todos estos documentos son obligatorios, junto con la copia oficial del acta de nacimiento y un comprobante de domicilio (por ejemplo: un recibo de la luz). Usted puede hacer un clic en el enlace de arriba para descargar todas las formas a la vez.

     Form No.  Last Updated
  1 Formas de Registro  - SPANISH
Mar 2024
  2 Recopilar Datos de Grupos Étnicos/Raza - SPANISH 3120F10a Jun 2022
  3 Uso de la Información del Estudiante  - SPANISH
3231F1a Mar 2024
  4 Preocupación de la Salud  - SPANISH 3120F11a Apr 2024
  5 Adaptaciones dieteticas especiales  - SPANISH 6700F2a Mar 2024
  6 Acuerdo de los Requisitos para la Asistencia - SPANISH
3122F2a Jun 2022
  7 Encuesta del Idioma en la Casa  - SPANISH  State Form
Mar 2024 
  8 Cuestionario de Vivienda - SPANISH 3115F1a Mar 2024 

9 Uso de la Red y sus Expectativas - SPANISH
2022F1a Jun 2022
  10 Solicitud de Registros Educativos - SPANISH
3120F2a Mar 2024
  11 Cartilla de Vacunación  - SPANISH
State Form Jun 2021
  New Student Registration - RUSSIAN

Нажмите сюда чтобы загрузить одновременно все нужные формы для регистрации НА РУССКОМ
  Индивидуальные Регистрационные Формы - на РУССКОМ - Все эти документы необходимы, а также копия официального свидетельства о рождении и документ о подтверждении  местожительства             (например, ваш бил за электроэнергию) Вы можете нажать выше чтобы загрузить все формы одновременно.
     Form No.  Last Updated

1 Регистрация Нового Ученика - RUSSIAN

Mar 2024
  2 Этническая Принадлежность и Раса Опрос - RUSSIAN 3120F10b  Jun 2023 
  3 Использование Информации Ученика - RUSSIAN
Mar 2024
  Анкета Здоровья - RUSSIAN 3120F11b May 2024
  5 Специальные Диетические Ограничения  - RUSSIAN
6700F2b  Mar 2024 
  6 Соглашение о Требованиях 
Посещения Школы 3122F2b
May 2024

Анкета для родителей о родном языке - RUSSIAN
State Form Mar 2024
  МакКинни Венто Анкета - RUSSIAN
Mar 2024 
  9 Правила Пользование Интернетом - RUSSIAN  2022F1b
Mar 2022

10 Request for Educational Records - RUSSIAN  3120F2b
Mar 2024
  11 Справка о ПРОИЗВЕДЁННЫХ Прививках х - RUSSIAN State Form
Jun 2021


  Additional Registration Forms for Weston HS    
  Educational Goals/Purpose (WHS Only) 3120F3 Jan 2023
  Writing Assignment (WHS Only) 3120F4 Jan 2023
  Parent Statement (WHS Only) 3120F5 Jan 2023
  Early Entrance to Kindergarten or First Grade
  Early Entrance Assessment Request
Jan 2023
  Temporary Caregiver - Both forms must be completed to create an agreement.
  Temporary Parental Consent to Caregiver 3120F8 Dec 2021
  Temporary Parental Consent to Caregiver - SPANISH
3120F8a May 2023
  Caregiver Acceptance of Temporary Parental Consent 3120F9 Dec 2021
  Caregiver Acceptance of Temporary Parental Consent - SPANISH
3120F9a May 2023
  Home-Based Instruction & Part-Time Attendance
  Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction 3114F1 Oct 2021
  For Assistance with Home School Intent, Contact Brenda Dobry     
  [email protected] or 360.618.6207    
  Request for Part-Time Attendance or Ancillary Services 3114F2 Dec 2021
  Transfers/Variances/Shared Enrollment
  Intra-District Application- For an Arlington student to attend
another Arlington school other than his/her neighborhood school.
3130F1 Nov 2023
  Choice Transfer Request 

  Please visit
  Inter-District Agreement Request - For an Arlington student
to attend partly in Arlington and partly in another district.
3140F2 Nov 2021
Student Records
  Student Information Update Request
May 2023

Agency Request for Student Info/Records
3231F4  Mar 2022
  Use of Student Information 3231F1 Feb 2024
  Authorization for the Release of Records/Information
Jan 2022
  Consent to Share Program Eligibility Info Other District Programs 3231F6 Apr 2022
  Consent to Share Program Eligibility Info Other District Programs - SPANISH  3231F6a  Aug 2023
  Pre-Arranged Absence
Dec 2021
  Attendance Requirements Agreement 3122F2 Jun 2022
  Curriculum Approval    
  Request-Reconsideration of a Book or Materials 2020F1 Dec 2021
  Highly Capable Program
Oct 2022
  Nominación para el Program a de Niños Avanzados - SPANISH 2190F1a
Oct 2022
  Parent Request to Exit Student from Program
Oct 2022

Solicitud de los Padres para Sacar a su Estudiante del Programa - SPANISH

Oct 2022
  Selection Decision Appeal
Oct 2022
  Field Trips    
  Field Trip Permission Form 2320F1 Jan 2024

Permiso de Excursión - SPANISH

2320F1a Jan 2024

Разрешение на Экскурсию - RUSSIAN

2320F1b Jan 2024
  Network Use Expectations 2022F1 Mar 2022
  Opt Out Forms
  Child Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation Prevention Education Opt Out
May 2023
  HIV AIDS Prevention Education Opt Out 2126F Mar 2022
  Sexual Health Education Opt Out 2125F Mar 2022
  Suicide Prevention Education Opt Out 2145F1 Mar 2022
  Grading/Credits/Progress Reports

  High School PE Waiver Request 2410F1 Apr 2022
  High School Credit Opt Out Request
Oct 2022
  High School Credit Opt In Request
Octo 2022
  Repeating a HS Course for Better Grade 2420F2  Oct 2022
  Application for Waiver of HS Graduation Credits
Oct 2022
  Special Education

  Referral for Special Education Evaluation
Apr 2022
  Child Find Referral for Special Education Evaluation
Mar 2022  
  Transition Program - Auth. to Share Student Info.
Mar 2022  
  Section 504
  Referral 2162F1 Jun 2022
  Referral - SPANISH
Jun 2022
  Rights 2162F2 Oct 2022
  Rights - SPANISH
2162F2a Oct 2022
  Complaint Form 2162F7 Oct 2022
  Other Accommodations
  Service Animal Worksheet 2030F1 Mar 2022
  Request for Home/Hospital Instruction
2165F1 Apr 2022

  Athletics Participation Information 2151F1a Mar 2022
  Athletics Participation Packet   -  Found in Family Access      

  Informed Consent - Baseball/Softball  WSRMP Form
Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Basketball
Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Cheerleading  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Cross Country  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Football  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Golf  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Soccer  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Tennis
WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Track & Field  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Volleyball  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Weightlifting  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
  Informed Consent - Wrestling  WSRMP Form  Aug 2016 
Extra-Curricular Activities

  Driver's Training Application
Jan 2024
  Driver's Training Application Agreement - 1st Qtr 2024-25
Jul 2024
  Driver's Training Application Agreement - 2nd Qtr 2024-25
Jul 2024
Opportunities for Students
  Application for Student Advisor to the Board
1250F1 Mar 2024
  Student Advisor to District Committees Application 4110F1 Mar 2024
  District Student Advisor Committees  Flyer Mar 2024
  Student Advisor Intent to Return 4110F2 Mar 2024

Free/Reduced Meal Application
State Form
Jul 2021
  Free/Reduced Meal Application - SPANISH
State Form
July 2021

Special Dietary Accommodations
6700F2 Feb 2023
  Special Dietary Accommodation - SPANISH  6700F2a Mar 2024 
  Special Dietary Accommodation - RUSSIAN  6700F2b Mar 2024 
  Consent to Share Program Eligibility Info Other District Programs 3231F6 Apr 2022
  Consent to Share Program Eligibility Info Other District Programs - SPANISH 3231F6a
 Aug 2023
Student Health, Safety, & Welfare
  Immunizations and Health Concerns    
  Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) State Form Jun 2021
  Certificate of Immunization Status - SPANISH State Form Jun 2021
  Certificate of Immunization Status - RUSSIAN
State Form Jun 2021
  Certificate of Exemption - ENGLISH
State Form
Jun 2019
  Health Concerns - ENGLISH 3120F11 Mar 2024

  Health Care Plans
  Emergency Individual Health Care Plan 3413F1 Jun 2023
  Life Threatening Allergy Individual Health Care Plan 3413F3 Jun 2023
  Asthma Individual Health Care Plan 3413F4 Jun 2023
  Seizure Individual Health Care Plan 3413F5 Jun 2023
  Cardiac Individual Health Care Plan 3413F6 Jun 2023
  Cerebral Shunt Individual Health Care Plan 3413F8 Jun 2023
  Gastrostomy Individual Health Care Plan
Jun 2023
  Diabetic Low Blood Sugar Emergency Individual Health Care Plan 3415F1 Jun 2023
  Authorization for Administration of Medication 3416F1 Jun 2015
  Harassment, Intimidation, & Bullying Concerns
  Reporting of Sexual Harassment 3205F1 May 2023
  Report 3207F1 Apr 2022