Program Description
Our focus is on increasing independence and functional skills needed for daily living while continuing to support individualized growth in academic areas.
Common Characteristics/Needs of Students Served
Significant intellectual disabilities and functional adaptive delays (see definition section), often paired with significant medical and communication needs.
Critical Program Elements (Non-negotiables)
• Age-appropriate accessible curricula in academic areas (often unable to access general education curriculum, even with significant modifications)
• Specially designed instruction to address individualized adaptive/self-help and social goals
• Focus on health and safety
• Communication and motor therapy frequently incorporated into daily lessons
• Focus on functional learning, moving toward increased independence in adulthood
Life Skills programs are offered at Pioneer Elementary, Haller Middle School and Arlington High School.
Note: Specialized programs are available only for students who are not demonstrating the ability to meaningfully access and progress in their education while receiving all services available to them at their neighborhood school (e.g., specially designed instruction, related services, modifications/accommodations, etc.). Often students show characteristics that may suggest more than one specialized program placement option may need to be considered. In these situations, we rely on the IEP team’s thorough knowledge of the student’s strengths, needs and prominent characteristics in conjunction with familiarity with the specialized programs in our district.