The Title VI Indian Educational Formula Grant Program is designed to address the unique cultural, language, and educationally related academic needs of Indian children. The Arlington Public Schools Indian Education Program has been developed to support Native American/Alaskan Native students in grades K-12. With the focus that all students have a sense of belonging within our schools, the program goal is for all our students to gain a better understanding of Native culture and for all our Native students to feel supported culturally and academically.
Title VI grant funds have been used to provide cultural enrichment activities and to purchase Native perspective "own voice" resources for our classrooms and libraries to support teaching the curriculum
Since Time Immemorial, and other school-based resources.
If you wish for your eligible child to be included in the Indian student count for Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant Program, parents/guardians must complete a
Title VI ED 506 Indian Student Eligibility Certification Form. Please mail or drop the form off at your student's school.
To learn more about the program and/or the student eligibility process, please contact:
Karl Olson
Director of Categorical Program
[email protected]
Heather Demers
Grants Coordinator
[email protected]