Student Advisor- Senior

Nathan NicholsNichols

My name is Nathan Nichols, current Junior at Arlington High School. I have been fortunate to live here throughout the entirety of my academic career, growing from my early beginnings at Pioneer Elementary, then to Haller Middle School, and finally ending this chapter of my life at Arlington High.

Throughout my life, I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve on numerous teams, boards, and help where I can in our school district. At Pioneer, I served for two years as a member of the Pioneer Respect Team where we promoted kindness, good habits, and led the school by example. As for academics, I tested in the top 97% for Math and top 96% for English, qualifying me for the HiCap program. Next, at Haller, I continued my learnings in all advanced classes, as well as assisting around the school as part of ASB. I was also a part of Pioneer’s BCE Choir, in which I followed into Keynotes Choir at Haller. This proved to be a focal interest for me as I then auditioned for and became a member of the Flight Jazz Choir at Arlington High.

In my high school career, I have been passionate in trying new things and exploring what the differing clubs/activities had to offer. Sports has always been a great interest of mine, specifically track and field, in which I have been a part of for the past 3 years. I enjoy spending my time outdoors and practicing numerous activities such as soccer, basketball, and running. I also want to pursue a career in art. After taking art and graphic arts classes throughout my time here in Arlington, I look forward to going to college and majoring in Graphic and Interior Design.

But above all else, the thing I pride myself most in is my everburning desire to become a better and more respectful individual. I feel kindness and love is too often overlooked in our modern world and it has become my personal mission to spread my message of good in humanity. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to serve you as the junior student advisor and give my peers and community a voice.

August 2023