Seven Arlington High School (AHS) Drama Club officers attended the International Thespian Leadership Meeting Oct. 11 at the 5th Avenue Theater in Seattle. This is the first time that AHS Drama Club officers have been able to attend the annual event.
“It was really interesting interacting with other schools,” said AHS Junior Bridget Lewis. “We learned a lot about what they do for performances and what their leadership style looks like.”
The officers attended classes like Artistic Collaboration in New Musicals and met local producers, playwrights, composers and performers. These are experiences that students can’t usually find in a classroom setting.
"I'm glad that I get to share this energizing opportunity with the students,” said AHS Drama teacher Robert Hanson. “While I'm sharing ideas with other teachers, teaching artists, and professionals in the theatre world to benefit the program back home, the students are experiencing tours of shows where the pros perform and create."
“The AHS Drama Club officers hope to share with the AHS Drama students what we have gained from going to the 5th Ave, interacting with the students of other schools, and what we would like to start implementing in the future,” said Lewis. “The officers are excited to teach the members of the Drama club about what they have learned!”