First of all, it is vital to note that Amy Lecoq was nominated by eleven different students (and one of those students nominated her three times!), so we already know that, in her role as Pioneer’s registrar, she has made a big impact on kids.
Every student that nominated her spoke of her kindness but used different words to mean kind. Fourth grader Kyla Imlah described her as patient. “When my siblings and I were late she came over to check us in. That wasn't her job, but she did it anyway. She is really nice when I go into the nurse's office. She always listens and is very patient.” Isabella Rico, a 3rd grader, said that Ms. Amy shows kindness by knowing everyone. “She knows a lot of student names; she cares about us and knows us.
Knowing students matters a lot. Fourth grader Ezra Amezcua reports, “When I come to school every morning, she greets me, tells me to have a good day. She makes my day. Every morning. I have that feeling that she gives me empathy to have a good day and help other friends and be kind.”
Being known also matters to Lucyella Correa, who had too many examples of Ms. Amy’s kindness to count. “We have a lot in common. She is Mexican and I am Mexican. She is kind and sweet. She is the only staff that I have hugged before. She talks to me about her son, and I really appreciate that. She is a Mexican parent, and she teaches her kids the same things my mom is teaching me. And my mom and her get along pretty well. We speak Spanish together. I like her! I thank her because she works here and helps kids.
Amy Lecoq loves Pioneer students, and they love her back. It’s impossible to miss how she makes them feel, and how they radiate joy under her patient and caring interactions with them.