Eagle Creek Simply Amazing Staff


Sandy Shelton is an extraordinary para educator at Eagle Creek Elementary. With a long history of serving kids, it’s no surprise to anyone who knows her that she is receiving this award! Fourth grader Melissa knows why, too. “I love how she is kind and helpful with kids out at recess and in groups. She helps me with math problems.”

Math isn’t the only area where Sandy supports students as they grow; she also tells them that they matter, that they have boundless possibilities, and that they can make a difference. “I have only known her for a year, but she already tells me nice things about myself!” beamed Melissa. And it’s important to know that she isn’t afraid to be a little bit goofy or crack jokes to help kids remember her messages—yet another trait that endears Sandy to her students.

Sandy’s kindness isn’t limited to kids—her colleagues feel it, too. Walk through the staff room during lunch and you will see Sandy surrounded by peers, enjoying their brief chance to talk and laugh about the day’s foibles. Simply put, they spread cheer, and the quality of their relationships infuses the instruction and love that pervades any and all of Sandy’s work.

Melissa wrapped it up well. “She is so kind, helpful, and funny. Ms. Sandy if you are reading this, you are AMAZING!”